“Do not underestimate the power Learning Management Systems (LMS) hold! If you are new or undecided about whether LMS suits you, carry on reading to be convinced!

LMS Reduces Corporate Training Cost

With LMS, you will not have to worry about allocating your budget for your instructor travel costs, classroom site rentals, printed materials and more! You are able to easily create fun and animated content with eLearning tools like Vyond online without any hassle. Diminishing these cost allows you to save a sizable sum and you can allocate these valuable resources to other areas of your budget, potentially increasing your organization’s revenue.

And with LOOP, you will be able to gain big returns with just a small investment cost!

LMS Increases Employee Retention

LMS boost employee retention as it gives them an equal chance to enhance their skills and competencies, ANYTIME, ANYWHERE. Since it is so easily accessible, it promotes lifelong learning among employees, allowing them to feel more confident and valued. Employees tend to stay with employers who give them a sense of assurance and security, isn’t that great?

LOOP takes one step further with our gamification, which allows your learners to challenge one another to be first on the leaderboard and always coming back for more!

LMS Saves Your Employee’s Time

With LMS, it helps your employee to save time travelling to classrooms or learning venues and you will not have to pull them out from their schedule to attend these trainings. On top of that, it allows easy accessibility via mobile devices, desktops and laptops, allowing employees to always learn on-the-go. With more time being saved, your employees are able to spend more time to work and improve on their respective work assignments!

Start experiencing the power of LMS by trying out LOOP! Take your time and explore LOOP and you will definitely love it!