Infocomm Media Learning Roadmap


As the key initiative under Infocomm Media Programme (ICM), the Infocomm Media (ICM) Learning Roadmap is an important outreach initiative to engage students from primary schools to the junior colleges and help interested students to delve deeper into computer science and develop coding skills.

The ICM Learning Roadmap aims to provide students with specialised training in various ICM domains. Through ICM, students now have easy access to learn more about computer science and develop computational thinking.

ACP has been part of the Infocomm Clubs Programme since 2005 and have consistently provided ICM training via carefully selected training platforms for specific roadmaps focusing in these 3 key areas:

Data Analytics
Mobile App Development

Infocomm Media Learning Roadmap Curriculum


Learning Roadmaps for Primary Schools



Learning objectives:

  • Understand cybersecurity concepts
  • Learn about personal cybersecurity concepts
  • Practise cybersecurity knowledge
  • Demonstrate personal cybersecurity knowledge
  • Engage and apply learnings in project work on real encryption algorithm


Learning objectives:

  • Differentiate between user interface and user experience (UI/ UX)
  • Understand key mobile app development concepts
  • Get to know the importance of privacy concepts
  • Appreciate the future of mobile applications
  • Demonstrate mobile app development knowledge
  • Participate in project work on development of an mobile app

Learning Roadmaps for Secondary Schools & Junior Colleges



Learning objectives:

  • Understand cybersecurity concepts and encryption concepts
  • Learn about endpoint security and networking security concepts
  • Practise cybersecurity knowledge and encryption concepts
  • Demonstrate knowledge on endpoint security and networking security
  • Apply and present learnings through project work on home network


Learning objectives:

  • Understand fundamental data analytics concepts
  • Demonstration knowledge on data analytics to present data
  • Apply learnings via project work on presenting and interpreting data
    Add on: (12 more hours)
  • Learn about IoT concepts and cybersecurity concepts
  • Apply IoT knowledge and include IoT in project work on data analytics


Learning objectives:

  • Differentiate between user interface and user experience (UI/ UX)
  • Understand key mobile app development concepts
  • Get to know the importance of privacy and security concepts
  • Appreciate the future of mobile applications
  • Demonstrate mobile app development knowledge
  • Participate in project work on development of an mobile app
    Add on: (12 more hours)
  • Learn and demonstrate knowledge on data analytics concepts
  • Apply data analytics in project work on mobile app development

3 Key Phases of Learning:

Diagram on Infocomm Media Learning Roadmap

Process of Delivery

Our instructors will expose the students to the concept of each functional domain that they have enrolled in, via sharing with them the relevant used cases around them. The students will be able to relate and discover the technology that is happening in their daily lives. The process of the delivery of any training session with our carefully selected technology aid will involve the following.

Waterfall model on Infocomm Media Learning Roadmap

Integration of Online Delivery (Online Learning)

ACP allows integration of video conferencing tools into our learning management system. During the online delivery of session, the instructors will adopt the use of video-conferencing tool to continue teaching. We have specifically created a set of online netiquette to advise our students on the proper protocol for virtual training.



Our Instructors

All our instructors proposed to conduct the Programme are MOE registered and are equipped with experience to conduct ICT trainings in schools. To prepare our instructors for the Programme, we will conduct train the trainers programme that will reinforce their training capability and competency.

4 Pillars of Values Supporting Our Delivery of Curriculum

With our proposed learning management system to facilitate our delivery of curriculum, our instructors will be able to achieve our CASE in point that equipping our students with ICM skill can be done CONSISTENTLY, bearing in mind that the ACCOUNTABILITY of their progress will be in check continuously. The students are playing a part to maintain SUSTAINABILITY of the environment with all training materials to be accesses via digital means. Lastly with the many bite-sized mission –oriented exercises and quizzes, our students will be motivated to stay ENGAGED in the learning process.

A CASE in point diagram for Infocomm Media Learning Roadmap

Infocomm Media Learning Roadmap FAQs

To be eligible, you must be from

1. All Governement, Governement-Aided or Independent Schools (Primary & Secondary Schools, Junior Colleges)
2. Infocomm Media-related Co-Curricular Clubs

The application process is as follows:

  • Browsing and selecting of Learning Roadmaps from list of vendors provided by IMDA
  • Initial discussion with ACP on details of tentative training dates
  • Deciding on which Learning Roadmap to apply for
  • Submitting of application to IMDA for approval
  • Approval of application and confirming of logistical details with ACP
  • Commencing of training

*Please note that all application should include minimally a 3-week window from application date to commencement date.

To apply for the Infocomm Media Learning Roadmap, you need to have the agreed training schedule liaised with us. The training schedule should include the following details:

  1. Name and Signature of CCA Teacher-In-Charge or equivalent
  2. Name and Signature of Vendor Representative or equivalent
  3. Date(s) of Signature/ Endorsement
  4. School Stamp
  5. Vendor Stamp

No, you can not apply through ACP. All applications for Infocomm Media Learning Roadmap needs to be submitted directly to IMDA.

The 2023 application window has closed on 28 Feb 2023.

Schools that intend to submit late applications can email IMDA at for assistance.

Each school can select up to 2 Learning Roadmaps per year, with each roadmap scheduled to be completed within the calendar year. Stretching the learning roadmap over the calendar year is strictly not allowed.

No, support for the Roadmap is only rendered for an ICM-related CCA club, not for the entire cohort of students.

Yes, POs will be issued based on actual demand.

The recommended class size is at a minimum of 10 students and maximum of 30 students.

No, customisation of lesson plans is strictly not allowed.

All lesson plans are fixed at a total of either 24 hours or 36 hours and all sessions should form part of a regular weekly training. “Bootcamp” or crash-course style is not allowed (E.g. Completing the 24 hours of learning roadmap within a week).

Yes, the training schedule can be changed as long as both School and ACP are agreeable to it. However, IMDA needs to be updated on any form of changes.

It is not recommended to have long gaps between trainings as much as possible as it will render the trainings less effective.

The default mode of training is physical on-site training.

Virtual off-site training will only be allowed if the general situation does not permit the conduct of physical on-site training (E.g. Closure of schools of tightening of safety management measure arising from COVID-19).

  1. Online learning will not be made available for school’s selection unless the general situation requires for it.
  2. For physical on-site training in progress, IMDA’s approval must be sought before switching the training mode to online training.


  1. Under the instructors’ guidance, you will need to help ensure the students’ software and hardware learning devices are correctly set-up prior to commencement of training.
  2. You will need to receive the training materials from the instructors prior to commencement of training.
  3. You will also need to ensure student attendance is taken for every training and instructors are informed so that they can help the absentees catch up to their peers in the training.
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