During this Circuit Breaker period, we are keeping our staff engagement going strong with our daily kick-off meeting in the morning, and making full use of this session to engage in online lessons together!

In the past 2 weeks, we have embarked on a video-sharing session on Time Management and learned about different time management techniques such as the Pomodoro Technique, Action Method, and Medium Method. While some of the ways to manage time seem rather intuitive as we are already practicing them, there are also other eye-opening ways for us to manage our time, which is new to us. These courses serve as both a lesson and a refresher in helping us prioritize our daily tasks during work and increase our work efficiency.

We hope to keep up with the good work in sharing knowledge amongst one another through this Circuit Breaker period and beyond, and to sharpen our skills so that WE ARE READY when Singapore is ready to transit out of the COVID-19 situation!

#onlinelearning #elearning #video #timemanagement #ACPunited